Philadelphia Student Defense Lawyer

While all individuals can face adverse consequences stemming from an arrest or criminal conviction, college students may face unique challenges if law enforcement officers arrest them for a crime. Aside from the criminal penalties that you may suffer as an individual with criminal charges, you also may face disciplinary measures from your college or university.

A Philadelphia student defense lawyer may be able to provide you with the legal advice and advocacy that you need in both court and university conduct code proceedings.

Even a minor indiscretion can have lasting effects on the lives of college students. Formal disciplinary action by your school will create a permanent black mark on your records that may make it more difficult for you to get jobs and internships and obtain admission to graduate school.

A seasoned defense attorney could assist you in avoiding or minimizing the impact of this incident on your life and work to protect your future.

College Students and Common Criminal Charges

College students can face any criminal charges, just like any other adult, but they typically face various misdemeanor criminal charges, many of which stem from substance abuse. Some of the most common criminal arrests and charges that college students may face include:

For a first-time offense, individuals may be eligible for diversion programs or other similar programs that avoid a criminal conviction on their records. The prosecution may decline to file charges or opt to dismiss the charges, depending on the circumstances of a specific case.

In some cases, however, individuals can face a criminal conviction that can remain on their permanent record and adversely impact their futures. For instance, even a minor drug conviction could bar them from pursuing selected careers and occupations or prohibit them from attaining professional licensing. As a result, college students may find it essential to enlist the help of a student defense lawyer in Philadelphia to represent their interests.

University and College Disciplinary Proceedings in Philadelphia

An arrest, whether it ever results in criminal charges or a conviction, can be enough to trigger college conduct code proceedings for students. When students enroll at colleges or universities, they agree to follow specific rules of conduct. An arrest or allegation of criminal behavior likely violates these rules.

Conduct code proceedings also may arise from incidents that occur on campus, such as hazing in fraternities and sororities, vandalism, plagiarism, and other college pranks. Regardless of the type of violation involved, individuals may face disciplinary actions from engaging in these activities. As a student defense attorney in Philadelphia may attest, these repercussions can be harsh and may even limit the ability of students to complete their studies.

Among the potential consequences of student disciplinary proceedings are restriction from campus activities, eviction from campus housing, probation, suspension, and even expulsion. Students may lose college credits, forfeit previously awarded scholarships, and have difficulty transferring to other institutions or continuing their education.

A negative mark on their academic records also can lead students to lose out on critical job and internship opportunities, as well as making admission to graduate or professional schools significantly more challenging.

Work with a Philadelphia Student Defense Attorney Today

No matter your situation, your ultimate objective as a college student in any criminal or school administrative proceedings is likely to continue your studies uninterrupted and protect your future. Having a criminal conviction on your record and disciplinary records at school both can harm your future goals.

By getting the advice of a Philadelphia student defense lawyer, you may be able to continue working toward your goals without the hindrances that these matters can create for you.

Although criminal proceedings and university conduct code proceedings are separate and distinct from one another, they both can have substantial effects on your future. Having legal guidance and representation in each of these proceedings can put you in a better position to overcome the allegations against you and resume your life as usual. You are likely to find that there is no substitute for legal advice when you are in this situation.