Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries in DC

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries in DC Contact Us Today
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There are different types of traumatic brain injuries and it typically is incumbent upon a healthcare professional to evaluate the injured person and diagnose the injured person with one of the different forms of traumatic brain injuries. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury as the result of the negligence of another person, a Washington, DC traumatic brain injury attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Distinguishing Traumatic Brain Injuries

Doctors distinguish between different types of traumatic brain injuries based upon their training and their experience in handling these types of cases along with the presentation of symptoms by the injured person. It really is an individual evaluation that is done on a case by case basis that allows the doctor to properly assess and diagnose the injured person.

It’s important to understand the type of brain injury sustained so that the injured person can be aware of the presentation of certain symptoms that correlate with their individual type of traumatic brain injury. Likewise, understanding the type of traumatic brain injury sustained will allow the injured person to understand the manner of recovery expected for that particular condition.

Common Traumatic Brain Injuries in DC

There are both primary and secondary brain injuries, as well as anoxic and hypoxic brain injuries.

Primary traumatic brain injuries are traumatic brain injuries that typically present with an immediate onset of symptoms. These symptoms can be headache due to a significant head trauma, blurred vision, a fractured skull or things of that nature these injuries present themselves immediately after the trauma has occurred.

Primary Brain Injuries

Primary traumatic brain injuries are typically sustained through a trauma, a jolt or a blow to the head. Primary traumatic brain injuries are typically diagnosed by a medical professional and they are typically diagnosed right away given the immediate onset of symptoms at the time of the trauma.

Primary traumatic brain injuries are treated in any number of ways. The manner of treatment really depends upon the primary presentation of symptoms. This can range from treatment for concussion symptoms such as headache, blurred vision, photophobia to treatment for a fractured skull, among others.

Secondary Brain Injuries

Secondary traumatic brain injuries are traumatic brain injuries that typically have a delayed onset of symptoms. This is a situation where the symptoms associated with the traumatic brain injury be it cognitive issues, pain, headache, vertigo, nausea come on gradually and slowly a day or two after the trauma occurs. Secondary traumatic brain injuries are diagnosed by a doctor or other qualified medical professional.

Secondary traumatic brain injuries are treated in a number of ways. Typically, as with most traumatic brain injuries, treatment is rendered for the symptoms sustained; therefore, whichever primary symptoms have come on are typically the ones treated by the medical professional.

Anoxic vs. Hypoxic Brain Injuries

Anoxic brain injuries, a medical term, is typically used to describe the absence or deficit of oxygen to the brain. Hypoxic brain injuries, a medical term, is used to describe a partial lack of air supply into the brain or a deficit of air supply to the brain.

Consulting an Experienced DC TBI Lawyer

It’s important to work with a DC traumatic brain injury attorney who has experience in TBI injuries because that attorney can rely upon his or her experience in handling these claims. Because the attorney has handled these types of claims before, the attorney is better suited and more knowledgeable of the issues. This information based upon the prior experience will allow the attorney to better understand the nature and extent of the injury sustained, the exact type of traumatic brain injury sustained, the overall course of treatment that’s being rendered, for the recovery of the traumatic brain injury, and likely, also understand the overall recovery expected of the injured person.

All of this information and experience will allow the attorney to best process the claim, be it with an insurance company or to a jury ultimately rendering a verdict in the case.

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