Loudoun Motorcycle Accident Lawyer 

Motorcyclists often get a bad rap for driving recklessly, but contrary to popular belief, many motorcycle accidents are caused by the reckless drivers of cars and trucks. Despite increasing legislation to make the roads safe for motorcyclists, the number of motorcycle accidents that occur on a yearly basis continues to grow.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be able to recover financial damages. Filing a lawsuit may sound like a major step to many injured motorcyclists, but with the right Loudoun motorcycle accident lawyer on your side, you may be able to hold the person who hit you liable in court. Speak with an accomplished personal injury attorney that could pursue the best possible outcome in your case.

Motorcyclists Face Additional Risks on the Road

Riding a motorcycle can be fun, but in many places, it is also risky. Even though most states require drivers to share the highway with motorcyclists, motorcyclists are still far more likely to die or be seriously injured in a crash than individuals in cars or trucks. The vast majority of motorcycle accidents occur when a driver fails to notice a motorcycle or violate the right of way of the motorcyclist.

It is also important to note that when compared to passengers in cars and trucks, motorcyclists are relatively unprotected, even with helmets and the proper safety gear. This lack of protection puts them at a much higher risk of suffering from severe and debilitating injuries.

Are Injured Motorcyclists Entitled to Compensation?

Depending on the nature of a motorcycle accident, survivors may be able to obtain financial compensation for their pain and emotional suffering. In general, the more severely injured a person is, the more compensation they will be eligible for, but even minor injuries deserve compensation.

Medical care can be remarkably expensive, and if an injury leaves a motorcyclist unable to work or earn income, financial strain will almost surely follow. This is unfair, and if an irresponsible driver strikes a motorcyclist, they should be held financially accountable for their actions.

Injured motorcyclists may also be eligible for compensation stemming from lost income, everyday living expenses, and property damage. If a motorcyclist is killed in an accident, surviving family members may be able to file a wrongful death suit and obtain compensation for additional losses.

Defective Product Lawsuits

If a motorcycle accident is caused by a manufacturing defect in the motorcycle itself, the manufacturer may be liable for the accident. Before a motorcycle hits the market, it should be properly tested and inspected to ensure it is safe to ride. If a motorcycle manufacturer fails to do this, they can be held responsible for producing an unsafe product.

They can also be held responsible if there is a flaw in the design of the motorcycle that makes it unsafe. Design defects are often overlooked during the initial design phase, and since the manufacturer of the motorcycle is unaware of any initial flaws, it will more than likely carry on to produce and distribute the flawed vehicle.

Product liability cases involving motorcycles can be complex and difficult to win, but with help from the right Loudoun motorcycle accident lawyer, survivors may be able to even the playing field.

Consulting a Loudoun Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you are currently struggling to readjust to life after a motorcycle accident, it is important for you to understand your rights as a survivor. The person or company responsible for your accident may owe you compensation, but in reality, you may have to take legal action to obtain what you are owed. Learn more by contacting an experienced Loudoun motorcycle accident lawyer that can help.

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