By the time you realize that you need a criminal defense attorney, it could be too late. You may start answering self-incriminating questions from police without even knowing that you are a suspect of criminal charges.
Whether you are under arrest or the police are detaining you for questioning, it is your right to have legal counsel present during any police interrogation. A criminal defense attorney can ensure that the police respect your rights and stop any illegal questioning. Contact an experienced Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer to help you through this process.
Innocent people often assume that it is just a misunderstanding when they are suspects in a criminal investigation. If they could only clear up the misunderstanding, the police would focus on other suspects.
Even assuming that the police and prosecutors involved in a case are genuinely good people who want to see justice done, they are still capable of making errors. In criminal prosecutions, those mistakes could have severe consequences, including the arrest and conviction of innocent people.
Innocent parties need the representation of counsel just as much as guilty individuals. A criminal defense attorney in Fort Lauderdale could help present the facts of the case while showing the innocence of the individual in question. They could also help the police spot other viable suspects and look at alternative theories of the case. Their goal is to help prevent the state from developing tunnel vision, which could contribute to a wrongful conviction.
At our firm, we proudly help our clients work toward the best solution for their circumstances. In some instances, this might be mitigating the effects of penalties, contesting charges altogether, or a combination of both approaches depending on what is needed. Some of the cases we handle include:
Regardless of the reason for a charge or arrest, a Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney could help an accused person protect their rights and advocate on their behalf throughout every process. We understand this is an incredibly stressful time and are here to help.
Criminal charges do more than threaten your freedom. A conviction could impact the rest of your life, affecting employability, your reputation, financial opportunities, and your relationships.
When you are involved in criminal allegations, having trusted legal representation on your side can make a world of difference in the outcome of your situation. Our team knows the courts, judges, and sentiments of the area, putting them in the best position to give you the best advice. Schedule a consultation with a knowledgeable Fort Lauderdale criminal defense lawyer today to learn more.
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