Florida Shoplifting Lawyer

Many people believe that shoplifting is a minor offense. However, the state does not view it that way and instead looks at retail theft as a serious crime. Depending on the value of the stolen goods, shoplifting could carry significant penalties, and even a misdemeanor conviction could impact other areas of your life. A well-versed theft attorney experienced in shoplifting offenses could talk to you about the best options for your case.

Call our firm today to speak with a Florida shoplifting lawyer who could help you navigate a charge to obtain a more favorable outcome.

Retail Theft

Shoplifting is a specific type of theft involving stealing merchandise from a retail store. Depending on the value of the stolen goods, the state could charge it as petit or grand theft.

When the stolen value is less than $100, it is classified as second-degree petit theft, which is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 60 days in jail. Taking property worth more than $100 but less than $300 is first-degree petit theft, which is punishable by up to 364 days in jail.

Shoplifting could also be a felony as taking items worth more than $300 but less than $5,000 is a third-degree felony with a potential punishment of up to five years in prison.

The value of the stolen goods becomes important in a shoplifting case, and a Florida lawyer could challenge the state’s value of the goods. While that may not eliminate charges, it could reduce them and the potential penalties.

Recent Legal Changes to Shoplifting Charges

Florida recently made it easier to charge defendants with higher-level offenses for shoplifting. Instead of looking at the value of goods stolen in a single incident, the state will look at the aggregate value of the goods stolen over 30 days. It also looks at the total number of goods stolen, too. Someone with five or more instances of stealing a total of 20 or more items qualifies for a higher offense.

The change in the law targets criminal rings who engage in large-scale shoplifting, resulting in thousands of dollars in losses to their targets. However, it also impacts others, including defendants who may shoplift to feed their families or due to compulsive behavior. A Florida shoplifting attorney will examine whether extenuating circumstances could impact a case to get charges reduced.

Other Consequences of Theft Charges

Because the punishment for an isolated incident of shoplifting a low-value item is minimal, first offenders probably qualify for probation. However, the actual consequences come from outside of the legal system. Any type of theft is a crime of dishonesty, which could impact someone’s ability to get many jobs or volunteer in certain capacities.

A Florida attorney who handles shoplifting cases may be able to arrange a pretrial diversion program to avoid conviction, which may involve mental health care if a compulsive behavior drove the shoplifting or deferred adjudication. First offenders can avoid a conviction if they are willing to comply with the court’s orders.

Meet With a Florida Shoplifting Attorney

Because many shoplifting crimes are misdemeanors, a defendant may not be entitled to a court-appointed attorney, which may give you the impression that the charge is not that serious. However, a shoplifting conviction could be devastating, and you have the right to counsel to help you navigate those charges.

Let a Florida shoplifting lawyer discuss your case and go over your options to see if sealing or expunging your record to keep your arrest history out of the public record is a possibility. Schedule a consultation with our team today.

Florida Theft Lawyer