How Attorneys Pursue Damages in DC Traumatic Brain Injury Cases

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If you have been involved in an accident that resulted in a traumatic brain injury, you could be entitled to damages. The most common types of damages associated with a TBI case are medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. A lawyer’s responsibility is to maximize recovery for you and to be in communication about the progression of the case and represent you competently and zealously. If you want to know more about how attorneys pursue damages in DC traumatic brain injury cases, speak with a seasoned traumatic brain injury attorney that could answer your questions and pursue a positive outcome for you.

Assessment of Damages

Damages include non-economic damages and economic damages. Non-economic damages are pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life. Economic damages are medical bills and lost wages. How attorneys pursue damages in DC traumatic brain injury cases is by looking at an individual’s past medical bills and getting an opinion on the cost of future medical treatment. In addition, the attorney identifies the person’s earned income before the accident and their ability to earn money in the future. They consult with experts to assess the viability of future damages and the value of the same.

Relaying Impact of Less Visible Injuries to a Jury

Everyone reacts to an insult to the brain differently. A lawyer must be able to communicate that effectively to a jury. With a traumatic brain injury case, the jury might be skeptical because the accident victim appears unaffected by their injury. It is hard to effectively communicate how the person’s life has changed because of their TBI. When a person’s TBI has a devastating impact on their life, they do not have the ability to present that to a jury. If they present well to a jury, the jury may think their life is not that bad.

Physical Conditions That Result From a TBI

A traumatic brain injury affects the way the brain works. There is usually no change in function of the body. With a traumatic brain injury, there is a change in cognitive abilities and a change in mental states. Physically, injuries can come later with traumatic brain injury, but generally, there is no major change in the physical condition as a result of a TBI. A person can lose the ability. For example, someone who plays piano and suffers a TBI may not be able to play the piano any longer and their fine motor skills could be affected.

What Occurs During an Initial Consultation

In the initial consultation with a potential client who has a TBI injury, an attorney determines the kind of traumatic brain injury to develop a plan of action. When the individual has a minor traumatic brain injury (MTBI) the attorney establishes whether there is any liability. When liability is present, the attorney ascertains the damages. The severity of injuries often can affect how attorneys pursue damages in DC traumatic brain injury cases. When the victim has a more serious brain injury such as a skull fracture, subarachnoid or subdural hematomas, or hemorrhage, the lawyer finds out what they can from the accident victim and uses additional sources to determine liability and scope of damages. 

Communication with a Lawyer During a TBI Case

The method of communication with a potential client depends on how the person prefers to communicate. If accident victim prefers to meet with the attorney in person, a meeting is set up. If the person prefers to correspond via email, the communication should be via email. Lawyers tend to be busy and if someone calls or emails their lawyer, they should hear back from the lawyer within a day or two. If the individual is not able to communicate themselves, then a family member should be the point person.

An attorney could stay in contact with the individual to find out how they are doing. They could access the person’s medical records, employment records, and tax records and work with the individual to consult with a rehabilitation expert and an economist. Then the lawyer could formulate a plan for moving forward with their case.

Maintaining Contact

A catastrophic injury attorney must stay in touch with their prospective clients. When a person calls an attorney and their voicemail is full, they probably do not want to retain that lawyer. A person wants to be able to get their lawyer on the phone. They want to be able to have some conversations with the lawyer. If the person wants a meeting with their lawyer, they should be able to easily get an appointment.

Value of Consulting a DC Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney

If you want to know more about how attorneys pursue damages in DC traumatic brain injury cases, consult an attorney. A lawyer could help you pursue damages by establishing liability, accurately assessing the value of the case, and negotiating the case or taking it to trial. Work with a skilled lawyer that could work tirelessly to recover the compensation that you deserve. 

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Damages in DC Traumatic Brain Injury Cases