Virginia Rollover Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love has been in an accident involving an 18-wheeler or semi truck, you know first-hand how devastating the damage can be. With the help of a Virginia rollover truck accident lawyer, you can receive financial compensation that gets you on the road to recovery. Call and schedule a consultation with a Virginia truck accident lawyer today to learn more.

Talk to a Rollover Truck Accident Attorney in Virginia

Because of their high center of gravity, large trucks are often susceptible to turning over. These rollover accidents can cause significant property damage to any vehicles struck by the overturning trailer and catastrophic injury to occupants of those vehicles. Studies show that of all heavy truck driver fatalities involve rollover accidents.

If you have been injured in such an accident, our Virginia rollover truck accident attorneys are prepared to identify all liable parties and hold them financially accountable for your injuries and losses.

When you turn to a personal injury attorney to handle your claim, you can focus on recovering from your injuries and trust your attorney to handle the hassles of negotiating with insurance companies and the stress of identifying who is responsible for the damages and how to hold them accountable. Your accident lawyer will be your advocate as you focus on recovery.

Each case is unique, but a settlement or judgment award may include compensation for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages or reduced earning potential, property damage, continuing medical and therapeutic care, and more.

What Causes Rollover Truck Accidents?

Large trucks are vulnerable to rollover accidents because of a number of factors, including high profile, high center of gravity, driver error, unstable loads, and excessive speed.

Rollover accidents are some of the deadliest crashes, and are more likely to occur at on-ramps, inclines, and curves. This is because centrifugal force causes the truck to lean away from the direction of the curve, which can cause the truck to turn over.

Some of the most common causes of truck rollover accidents include:

  • Driver error –  including speeding, judgment error in assessing sharpness of the curve, drifting off road, abrupt counter-steering, failure to compensate for the trailer’s high center of gravity, driver fatigue, and driver impairment
  • Load problems – including top-heavy loads, improperly secured loads, and poorly distributed loads
  • Vehicle maintenance problems – including failure to properly maintain brakes, suspension, and tires

A large percentage of rollover truck accidents are single-vehicle accidents in which the truck driver is the only injured party. While driver error can be a contributing factor in rollover accidents, it is certainly not the only possible cause, and liable parties should not be allowed to shirk their responsibility for the driver’s safety. A Virginia rollover truck accident attorney can aggressively pursue the compensation you need and deserve from those liable for the accident.

Finding a Rollover Truck Accident Lawyer in Virginia

If you have been hurt in an accident, or if you are grieving the loss of a loved one in a rollover truck accident, you do not have to accept a refusal of your claim. Call our rollover truck accident attorneys today to find out how we can help.

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