Pedestrian Accident Scenarios in Virginia

Collisions involving crosswalks are probably the most frequent of pedestrian accident scenarios in Virginia. They occur when a motor vehicle fails to yield for pedestrians. The pedestrian is at the crosswalk and begins crossing. The driver is supposed to be on the lookout and ascertain that there is a pedestrian coming up in that crosswalk.

Another all-too-frequent contributor to pedestrian crosswalk accidents is distracted driving. Someone is looking at their phone, texting, is under the influence of drugs and alcohol, or is distracted by the radio. Pedestrian accidents at stop signs are the least common. They are similar but less common than right-hand turn accidents. A pedestrian accident at a stop sign occurs when a driver stops at a four-way stop, checks the different ways, but fails to check the way they are going to go.

A distinguished pedestrian accident attorney can help you seek damages for any collision scenario you may have faced.

Role of a Parking Lot Accident

Pedestrian accidents involving cars backing up is common in a parking lot scenario. Drivers in the parking lot must become accustomed to their surroundings; understand what is around them, and determine where they can safely make a movement before they move. Nowadays, many cars have backup cameras, however, those are not 100 percent accurate. Sometimes an individual cannot get a good peripheral vision.

Other common pedestrian accident scenarios in Virginia include backing out of the driveway in a neighborhood or on a street. Drivers have a duty to make sure the way is clear before they proceed. Pedestrians must take their own safety measures in parking lots and driveway situations.

Did the Collision Occur on Private Property?

Generally, a parking lot accident on private property does not affect the way the case is handled because the automobile insurance likely covers injuries that occur on public or private property. They may influence how the case is documented. However, it is an especially common misconception in many locations in Virginia.

A parking lot, if it is part of an asset open for public use is considered a highway of the Commonwealth. There are many instances in which a parking lot may seem that it is private property and in some respect, it is. However, it is also open to public and therefore is subject to other public highway laws for other purposes. Mall and grocery store parking lots are fair game and the fact that an accident occurred there may require the submission of the proper documentation to proceed with the case.

Risk of Streets with No Sidewalks

Pedestrian accident scenarios in Virginia involving streets that have no sidewalks are less common because most people use the shoulder or the side of the roadway for safer travel. The trend is that they are occurring somewhat more frequently as people in more urban areas use alternatives to vehicle transportation that are more popular in the summer where young people are out walking and do not have cars.

Accidents Caused by Turning Card

Cars turning right on a red light are common pedestrian accident scenarios in Virginia because a driver turning right on red does not always look to the right. They look to their left to make sure there is no oncoming traffic. They do not always look right to make sure that the road they are entering is clear of pedestrians and bicycle traffic, even though they have a duty to do so.

Left Turns in Intersections

A left turn in the intersection is the same thing, but is somewhat in reverse. Cars turning left across intersections are focused on the oncoming traffic and making sure that oncoming traffic is not going to hit them. The driver may fail to see the traffic that is already in the intersection which they are crossing over. They are not looking at what is to the left of them; they are only looking at what is in front of them.

Likelihood of Bus Collisions

Pedestrian accident scenarios in Virginia involving buses often rise in frequency during the summer months as bus use increases. Bus accidents are more common in areas involving school bus stops or commuter bus stops. They are more common because it is so difficult for a bus driver to see pedestrians. Buses have many blind spots and pedestrians are often moving toward the bus because they want to get on the bus. Situations, where pedestrians are trying to gain access to the bus or get to the bus stop, can be a catalyst for bus accidents.

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