South Carolina Car Accident Lawyer

An automobile accident could cause severe damages and injuries to all involved. The party responsible for the crash could be held liable and required to pay the injured party compensation for damages. To go after the full measure of compensation you need after a serious auto accident, you need the help of a dedicated legal professional.

If you or a loved one were injured in a motor vehicle collision, a South Carolina car accident lawyer could thoroughly investigate your case and assert a claim for compensation on your behalf. Call to speak with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney and request your no-obligation case review.

The South Carolina Car Accident Statutory Deadline

A statutory deadline or statute of limitations is the state law that establishes a strict limit on a plaintiff’s right to bring a lawsuit to court. South Carolina Code of Laws § 15-3-530 outlines the statutory deadline for any type of case that could stem from a car crash. Under this law, whether the case involves an auto accident injury or a wrongful death caused by the collision, the plaintiff has three years to ask the state courts for a civil remedy.

For property damage and injury claims, the three-year statutory clock begins to run on the date of the accident. Should someone try to file a car accident lawsuit after the statutory deadline has run its course, the court could dismiss the case and refuse to hear it unless some rare exception applies. Fortunately, a car accident lawyer in South Carolina could help file a claim promptly.

Recovering Compensation for Damages

A seasoned attorney could help the plaintiff to recover a broad range of damages for their losses, including economic and non-economic losses.

Economic damages include lost wages, medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and other easy calculable losses, while non-economic damages include losses such as pain and suffering and mental anguish.

If the actions of the defendant were especially egregious or grossly negligent, the court could also award punitive damages to the plaintiff to punish the defendant for their behavior and serve as a deterrent against future misconduct.

Comparative Negligence Rule

In cases where the jury, upon hearing all the evidence presented by a South Carolina car crash attorney on behalf of the injured party, determine that the plaintiff was partly to blame for their damages, the modified comparative negligence rule would apply. Under this rule, an injured individual could still recover financial damages in an auto accident lawsuit even if they are partially liable, but their monetary award would be reduced in accordance with their share of negligence, provided that share was not greater than the defendant’s. If the plaintiff’s level of fault exceeds that of the at-fault party or parties, they would be barred from recovering any money damages.

Reporting a Car Crash in South Carolina

S.C. Code Ann. § 56-5-1270 requires the driver or owner of a motor vehicle involved in a collision that has not been investigated yet by law enforcement to complete and submit a Traffic Collision Report form to the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. This is applicable in cases where the accident caused bodily injury or death or total property damage of $1,000 or more.

Get Help from a South Carolina Car Accident Attorney

If you have been hurt in a car accident, you could be able to obtain compensation for your injuries and other losses if you can show that the other party was at fault. Call today to schedule your case evaluation and find out how a South Carolina car accident lawyer could help you.

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