DC Accidents Caused By Cellphones

DC Accidents Caused By Cellphones Contact Us Today
 For A Free Consultation

Has someone else’s negligence behind the wheel brought pain and inconvenience into your life? If you have been injured by someone who was checking their phone instead of paying attention to the road, one of our car accident lawyers in DC can help you mount a lawsuit against them.

Why Hire an Attorney For a DC Car Accident Caused By A Cellphone?

After an accident, you will be busy with your recovery and with working to meet all the obligations in your life despite your injury (family, work, etc.). Hiring a lawyer can help you not only by easing the burden of pursuing a civil suit against the one responsible for your pain, but by helping to secure financial assistance for your difficulties in the form of a favorable judgment. The experience and familiarity with the court system that a local attorney with a history of litigating cell phone accidents will bring to your case can help maximize the damages you receive and minimize the length of time it takes to receive those damages.

What Should You Do After an Accident?

Damages are decided by looking at the financial and other problems caused by your injury and assigning a monetary value to them. To help ensure you get what you deserve, you should take certain actions after the accident to acquire information supporting your case. The more information you collect, the more effectively our DC accident lawyer will be able to fight for you.

Call the Police

If the individual who hurt you receives a fine for using their cellphone while driving, this can help prove they were at fault. If the person responsible admits to the police officer that they were using their phone, that can help your case.

Take Pictures

The amount of damage to your vehicle could help determine the amount of compensation you receive.  This is because if you have been injured in the accident, the damage to your vehicle can help doctors and your attorney explain how you sustained certain injuries. Pictures can also be useful in proving what happened on the road and what the circumstances of the accident were.

Document Any Difficulties

Keep a clear record of anything negative you experience that you would not have experienced without having been injured. As with pictures and a police report, the more information you have, the higher chance you have of a favorable judgment. Things to track include:

  • Any pain, suffering, or inconvenience from your injury
  • Any financial loss (medical bills, car repairs, loss of employment)
  • Any other negative change to your life resulting from the injury

Call Today

Fighting alone to get the restitution you deserve can be fatiguing. The sooner you call us, the sooner you will have an ally to help you through this situation. Our cellphone accident lawyers will fight hard to support your case and get justice for you. Consultations are free, so do not hesitate to contact us.

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DC Accidents Caused By Cellphones