Bedsores Prevention in Virginia Nursing Homes

Nursing home patients have a right to be free from abuse and neglect. If a nursing home patient develops bedsores, it could indicate that the nursing home staff and physicians have provided inadequate medical care to the patient.

If you or a loved one developed bedsores in the nursing home setting, a nursing home abuse attorney might be able to provide assistance. If the nursing home failed to take proper measures to prevent bedsores, and such failure led to the development of a decubitus ulcer, they might be liable for damages.

Call a medical malpractice lawyer to discuss potential claims related to bedsores prevention in Virginia nursing homes, if you suspect that a nursing home’s negligence caused your or a loved one’s bedsores.

How Pressure Ulcers Can Be Prevented

There are many simple steps that nursing home staff and physicians can take to prevent bedsores. Any nursing home patient who spends a significant amount of time in a bed or wheelchair is at risk for pressure ulcers. The lack of mobility can result in areas of constant pressure and friction. Relieving the pressure and maintaining skin integrity are important aspects of preventative care.

Nursing home staff may prevent the development of pressure sores by utilizing the following measures:

  • Repositioning the patient
  • Keeping the patient’s skin clean and dry
  • Keeping the patient nourished
  • Keeping the patient hydrated

In addition to the lack of mobility, a nursing home patient could contribute to other risk factors which aid in the development of bedsores. It is important that nursing home staff and physicians identify and note risk factors, such as diabetes or a history of pressure ulcers. These risk factors should be considered in the patient’s care plan.

Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Medical Malpractice

The medical professionals who provide treatment in nursing homes have a duty to provide adequate care. Nursing home staff and physicians who fail to meet the standard of care, under the circumstances, may be liable for the harm that results from their negligence.

Medical records are typically an important part of a medical malpractice claim. A nursing home patient’s medical record might reveal, for example, that they needed to be turned every two hours but staff failed to do so.

Nursing homes can be hectic and fast-paced environments, but inadequate preventative care can result in easily preventable injuries. Once bedsores develop, infections and other complications may arise. Bedsore prevention is an aspect of nursing home medical care that should not be neglected or ignored, under any circumstances.

Contact an Attorney Regarding Virginia Nursing Home Pressure Sore Prevention Today

If you or a loved one developed bedsores due to a nursing home’s negligence, they should be held accountable. Bedsores can lead to deadly infections and amputations, all of which may be avoided with adequate preventative care.

You could be entitled to medical expenses and other damages flowing from the nursing home’s negligence in a bedsores case. Talk with an attorney regarding bedsores prevention in Virginia nursing homes and the legal options which may be available to you.

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