Virginia Paralysis Injury Lawyer

Life after an accident resulting in paralysis can be incredibly difficult. All of a sudden, an individual has to worry about a number of factors that did not exist before. The legal process, including determining fault and recovering damages, can be incredibly complex. An individual should not have to suffer such a severe injury due to the negligence of another. Recovering damages and pursuing legal justice should be of the utmost importance immediately after suffering a paralysis injury.

Due to the severity of these injuries, it is pertinent that an individual contact an experienced Virginia paralysis lawyer as soon as possible. If you have been involved in such an accident, a knowledgeable lawyer can assist in helping recover any and all damages that you are justly entitled to.

Initial Steps

Paralysis is the involuntary loss of control of a person’s extremities. Paralysis can be caused by any number of reasons, including illness, genetic or naturally occurring diseases, and trauma.

Anyone who has been paralyzed by the negligence of another party should seek medical attention immediately at the nearest qualified emergency room. From there, qualified treating physicians will address the injuries and determine the maximum recovery available for the injured person.

Consulting an Attorney

Anyone who has been paralyzed due to the negligence of another party should consult with a qualified Virginia paralysis injury attorney, so that the injured person can work toward receiving the maximum compensation to which he or she is entitled.

Determining the Extent of the Paralysis

Paralysis can take many forms. Paraplegia is a medical term that generally describes the lack of function of the upper extremities of a human being, and quadriplegia is the medical term that generally describes the lack of function of all four extremities.

Paralysis can have longstanding effects on the injured person and his or her family. A Virginia paralysis injury attorney can work with not only the client, but also his or her family, in ensuring the best recovery possible.

In court, expert medical testimony will determine the nature and extent of the injury, including the permanency of the paralysis. A qualified Virginia personal injury attorney will work with the treating physician of the paralyzed individual in order to obtain the testimony or requisite opinion necessary to establish whether the individual expects to recover the use of their extremities.

Role of the Client

The first thing that a person should do when they have been paralyzed by the negligence of another party is to retain the services of a personal injury attorney. If they have already retained a paralysis injury lawyer in Virginia, then they should simply keep the attorney informed as to all the facilities and physicians that they see through the course of their treatment. The personal injury attorney will take the proper steps to investigate the claim and obtain the necessary information to process the claims as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this way, the injured person should be allowed to concentrate solely on his or her recovery.

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