What Is a Spinal Cord Injury in Virginia?

Spinal cord injuries happen due to a number of reasons, but they are most often related to traumatic events, such as falls, car accidents, violent acts, or sporting accidents.  Some groups of people are more prone to traumatic spinal cord injuries, including young men, those who play contact sports, and those who suffer from bone or joint disease, such as osteoporosis or arthritis.  A spinal cord injury lawyer can help explain your options if you have suffered this kind of injury due to another’s negligence.

There are varying types and severities of spinal cord injuries, depending on the mechanism and location of the injury. Spinal cord injuries affect the area of the body below where the injury took place.  These injuries can be categorized as complete or incomplete spinal cord injuries.   Complete injuries generally result in the loss of nearly all feeling and motor function below the area of the injury.  Individuals who suffer incomplete spinal cord injuries retain varying degrees of feeling or motor function below the injury site, although there are still profound effects.

Victims of spinal cord injuries often are described as quadriplegic, meaning loss of feeling and function in all four limbs and the torso, or paraplegic, typically meaning loss of feeling and function in the torso and legs.

Spinal Cord Injury Effects

Spinal cord injuries have far-reaching effects beyond sensation and motor function, and also impair other bodily functions, including the pelvic organs, sexual function, and continence.  In severe cases, swallowing or breathing can even be affected.  Additionally, spinal cord injuries can cause severe muscle spasms and lingering feelings of severe burning or pain in the affected area due to the injury.

A number of complications can arise from a spinal cord injury, some of which can be deadly.  Pressure ulcers (bed sores) are common because many victims of  spinal cord injuries are unable to move and cannot feel when a sore may be forming.  Other skin issues can go unnoticeddue to a spinal cord injury victim’s inability to feel their limbs. These can include burns or other such injuries that others would immediately notice.  Other issues can arise due to limited organ functionality, includingdifficulty keeping airways clear or proneness to bladder infections as a result of the inability to empty one’s bladder completely.  Sexual function is often severely diminished due to the lack of sensation in the pelvic region.

Spinal Cord Injury Treatment

Current treatment options for spinal cord injuries are limited and often involve surgery, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, but cutting-edge research and technological advances may soon provide new treatment options for victims of spinal cord injuries. However, until that point, it is imperative that individuals do their very best to carefully document their injuries so that an experienced lawyer can help to calculate a fair injury claim.

Feel free to explore the other webpages on this site to learn more about spinal cord injuries, or call our law offices to speak with an injury lawyer if you would like more information on how to seek compensation for your SCI.

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