Charles City County Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury is something that many people will need to deal with during their lives. Not only can accident result in severe physical injuries, but it can also affect a person’s finances and emotional wellbeing. It is no surprise that a personal injury can have a dramatic effect on an individual’s present and future.

Even worse, an incident can occur at almost any time. Getting into a car to go to work, shopping for groceries, or even living in an apartment building can leave people vulnerable to the poor decisions and recklessness of others. If those parties are responsible for the incidents that result in injuries, however, they have an obligation to provide compensation.

A Charles City County personal injury lawyer could help pursue all appropriate compensation in your case. This includes identifying the defendants, linking their actions to your injuries, and demanding fair payment from defendants and their insurance companies. Reach out to a dedicated accident attorney today to explore your options.

Examples of Personal Injuries That Result from Accidents 

Most personal injuries are the product of accidents. Even though another party did not intend to cause any harm, the law says that they are liable for any resulting damage.

These laws rely on the concept called legal duty to assign blame. Parties take on a legal duty to protect others when they get behind the wheel of a vehicle, invite others onto their property, sell a product to the consumer, or accept a patient for medical care. An incident that results in an injury in these scenarios may make a defendant liable to provide compensation. This compensation can often include payment of medical bills, reimbursement for lost wages, and payments for emotional traumas.

Even so, the law provides a limited time to demand payment. According to the Code of Virginia § 8.01-243, most injured people have only two years from the date of injury to seek compensation. A Charles City County lawyer could work to build claims for personal injury damages within the applicable time limit.

Gathering Evidence to Prove a Personal Injury Claim

Charles City County law firms play an important role in gathering evidence and proving another party’s liability in personal injury cases. The available evidence varies from case to case, but common examples include witness statements, surveillance videos, and police reports of the accident.

Of course, not every personal injury is the product of an accident. Some injuries arise from criminal activity, and Commonwealth law enforcement will take a hand in investigating and punishing this behavior.

While the criminal charge is unlikely to result in sufficient compensation, victims might be able to pursue separate but related civil cases. In these situations, the outcome of the criminal case can aid a claim for damages, as the conviction can serve as powerful evidence of fault. A Charles City County attorney could provide more information about the interactions between criminal and personal injury cases that arise out of the same incident.

Reach Out to a Charles City County Personal Injury Attorney Today

All people who suffer a personal injury through no fault of their own deserve the compensation that they need to set things right. A Charles City County personal injury lawyer is prepared to take the lead in helping you to obtain these payments.

The simple fact is that parties who inflict personal injuries are liable to provide fair compensation. Even so, insurance companies may attempt to deny liability or even minimize your losses. This can lead to a denial of payments and lasting frustration.

Let a dedicated personal injury law firm fight on your behalf. An attorney can handle the details while you focus on getting your life back on track. Give us a call today to discover more.