Washington DC Visitation Lawyer
If you are dealing with a divorce or separation, having access to your children is an essential aspect of finalizing your divorce decree or establishing a visitation schedule. A Washington DC court will grant one or both parents custodial and visitation rights if they determine that doing so is in the best interests of their children. A Washington DC visitation lawyer could help you resolve visitation issues and other legal concerns related to the custody of your children. A local family law attorney could advocate for your interests before the court and work hard to secure your peace of mind and access to your children.
The Difference Between Visitation and Custodial Rights in DC
While visitation and custody are frequently talked about in congruence with one another, these rights are not the same. Legal custody allows a parent the ability to make decisions regarding how to raise their child, including the school they study at and the medical treatment they receive. The parent that is physically with the child and with whom the child lives has physical custody. A child’s parents can share either type of custody, or a judge may grant either of the parents sole custodial rights.
In situations where the court grants one parent sole custody, the other parent would usually be granted visitation rights to see their child, unless the custodial parent can prove that being given visitation would be damaging to the child’s best interests. An experienced Washington DC attorney could help someone create a visitation schedule that outlines the places and occasions on which the noncustodial parent can visit their child.
Once a visitation schedule is implemented, both the custodial as well as the noncustodial parent should adhere to the provisions of the agreement. If the custodial parent can prove that affording the other parent open access to the child could be harmful, the judge may grant visitation under supervision only. There are many variations of visitation schedules that a couple could agree upon. A skilled lawyer in Washington DC could assist a parent with establishing visitation rights with the welfare and interests of their children at the forefront.
Common Factors that Can Impact Visitation Determinations
The ultimate determination of the court as to a parent’s visitation privileges would be based on several different factors. The judge would consider the proximity of each parent’s home to the other and whether it would be in the child’s best interest to go back and forth between these abodes. The parental fitness of the noncustodial party, as well as the personal wishes of the child, could also be considered. Ultimately, the child’s best interest would be the ruling consideration in a judge’s decision to approve a visitation agreement.
Contact a Washington DC Visitation Attorney About Your Case
If you are seeking visitation rights to your child, it is a good idea to talk with a lawyer who could help you determine your best legal options. A Washington DC visitation lawyer could build a robust case on your behalf and fight diligently to ensure you retain access to your children.
The process of going through a divorce, determining custody, and visitation matters can be draining and stressful. A nearby attorney could present your case before the court, or if visitation is denied, appeal the court’s decision. Contact a Washington DC visitation attorney today to discuss the next steps for your case.