Rockville Child Custody Enforcement Lawyer
Unexpected disruptions in custody and visitation schedules cause stress, uncertainty, and unnecessary litigation. When your co-parent does not live up to their end of the agreement, everyone suffers.
A Rockville child custody enforcement lawyer could help parents secure compliance with an existing order. Seasoned child custody attorneys at our firm could also aggressively defend you if you have been wrongfully accused of violating an agreement. Reach out today to begin reviewing the details of your situation.
Consequences for Noncompliance with a Custody Order
In Rockville, a parent can face severe consequences for failing to adhere to a custody order. A judge can find a non-compliant parent to be in contempt or even serve time in jail if they continue to violate the terms of their agreement. The court may also require them to reimburse the other parent for the legal fees associated with addressing the matter.
Perhaps even more severe than incarceration is the possible loss of custody for refusing to adhere to a court order. A parent who willfully and continuously disobeys a court’s instructions could face a modification of custody or access and restrictions on seeing their children or have their parenting time limited. A practiced attorney could further explain the possible sanctions in Rockville for noncompliance and advise a parent enforcing a child custody order or facing violations of their legal options.
Contempt Charges for Breaking Custody Agreements
When a parent disregards a custody order, the other parent can try to work out an agreement to rectify the situation. However, some parties will simply refuse to adhere to the agreement’s terms regardless of the other party’s efforts. In that situation, a parent may have no choice but to file contempt charges against the non-compliant party.
A judge will conduct a hearing to determine if the parent violated the order purposefully and if so, order a purge provision to force them to comply with the custody agreement. Contempt proceedings in Rockville are complex, and a parent pursuing charges or facing them from the other party is well-advised to consult a diligent attorney familiar with child custody enforcement cases.
Do Children Have a Voice in Enforcement Actions?
A parent’s failure to adhere to a custody schedule can significantly impact their child. A judge hearing a contempt proceeding might want more information about the child regarding how the parent’s actions have adversely affected them. If so, under Maryland Code Annotated Family Law Article § 1-202, a court can appoint an attorney known as a Best Interest Attorney to represent the child’s interests and speak on their behalf.
In contested cases, a BIA in a custody proceeding puts on a case on behalf of the best interests of the child and one of the BIA’s jobs is to inform the judge of the child’s preferences regarding custody and visitation. If the non-compliant parent’s behavior has harmed the child and the child no longer wishes to spend time with them, a court can consider their opinion when making rulings in the best interests of the child. A capable Rockville attorney could explain the role of a BIA and how their input could impact the court’s decision during a child custody enforcement hearing.
Contact a Rockville Child Custody Enforcement Attorney Today
When you have worked hard to obtain a custody order, you expect the other party to comply with it. When they fail to do so, your schedule and your child’s day-to-day activities are negatively impacted. In some cases, your co-parent’s noncompliance could even put your child in jeopardy by exposing them to unsafe people or conditions.
If your child’s other parent is not meeting their obligations under a parenting agreement, consider working with a caring Rockville child custody enforcement lawyer. Our experienced legal team knows how difficult it is to care for your child when your co-parent disregards your arrangement’s terms. Schedule an appointment today to discuss how we can help.