Tony Munter on His Part in Fraud by the Numbers: Taxpayers Against Fraud

I’m is thrilled to be part of Fraud by the Numbers again this year with Taxpayers Against Fraud.
My colleague Kate Scanlan introduces the blog series today with an interesting look at the numbers related to all fraud. Fraud by the numbers is that rarity: a fact-based series of blogs. It is meant to provide a base line of data rather than editorialize about the problem. We want to have the numbers tell their own story.
Then those of us who read those facts, can use the numbers to make a point in our own blogs and tweets like this one.
As you will see if you read the series this month the numbers do not need embellishment to tell a very important story. Fraud is out there and it is very big. Bigger in most cases than you can imagine, and we have a lot of work to do if we are going to fight it.
I’ll try to note something about a number we report as often as I can this month as the series is published.
In today’s Kate, points out that while The DOJ reported a large number attributed to settlements and judgements for False Claims Act Litigation in FY 2021, it still only buys the U.S. half an aircraft carrier. [1]
We have a lot more work to do to fight fraud.
[1] And don’t even get me started on the fact that the DOJ attributed a lot of their big settlements and judgements number to a bankruptcy note in the Opiod litigation, that as far as anyone knows they have not yet collected.