Navigating Rideshare Accidents as a Driver

Driving for a living, particularly in the rideshare industry, comes with its own set of unique challenges and risks. Most car accidents occur within seconds and can have devastating results.

As a rideshare driver, it is crucial to know how to navigate the situation if it occurs. Here are some things you should do after a crash, both before and after contacting a rideshare accident attorney.

Understanding Your Role as a Rideshare Driver

While you may be providing transportation services to passengers, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft typically classify their drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. Most rideshare companies provide insurance for their drivers, but the degree of coverage varies on where you are on the job.

When you are not actively using the rideshare app for work purposes, you are covered by your own insurance, with no coverage from the rideshare company.

When you are working on the app, and you are waiting for a ride request, the rideshare company provides limited coverage. However, when you accept a pickup and are in the process of transporting a passenger or on your way to pick them up, the rideshare company provides more comprehensive coverage.

Steps to Take in the Aftermath of a Rideshare Crash

After a car accident, your first job is to prioritize safety. If you, a passenger, or anyone else is injured, first call for medical help immediately, then call the police. This ensures there is an official accident report generated, which can be crucial for insurance claims.

If you are able to, you should document as much of the accident scene as you can. Take notes, collect contact information from the passengers, the other motorist, and any potential witnesses. Take photos or video of the vehicle damage, the other motorist’s license plate, and the conditions of the road or the weather. This will all be used as evidence later.

After that, you need to report the incident to your rideshare company. Please refer to your company’s unique policy for more detailed steps.

Once the immediate situation has been addressed and you have returned home, you will need to file an insurance claim to ensure you get compensation for any necessary expenses like medical treatment or property damage. If the crash occurred while you were offline, refer to your own personal insurance company. However, if the app was online, you should refer to your company’s insurance policy.

What Happens Next?

After the accident, the rideshare company may temporarily suspend your driver account during the investigation period. This allows the company to review the details of the accident, the police report, and witness testimonies. The outcome varies based on factors such as fault, injury, and your driving history:

  • For minor accidents, the suspension is usually lifted
  • If there is a record of accidents, you may face permanent deactivation
  • In cases where you were at fault for significant injury, there could be extensive repercussions

If your account is deactivated, most rideshare companies provide an appeals process to contest the decision if you wish to regain your rideshare privileges.

Rideshare Drivers Should Consult With an Experienced Accident Attorney

While rideshare drivers are working, they must take extra care when they are involved in a crash. Consulting with a personal injury attorney experienced with rideshare accidents will be beneficial in ensuring you are properly compensated for damages and not held liable for a crash where you were not at fault. Reach out to Price Benowitz Accident Injury Lawyers today for a free case consultation.