Maryland Workers’ Compensation Basics

Workers’ compensation provides critically important benefits for injured workers and their families. As a result, it is helpful for workers and their families to be familiar with Maryland’s workers’ compensation laws and the benefits available.

Workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland cover workplace accidents, injuries and occupational illnesses. There are some specific special categories of benefits that may be available for certain workers in Maryland so it is helpful to be familiar with what those are as well. Benefits that may be available include those for medical treatment the injured worker needs, wage replacement and vocational rehabilitation if the injured worker is unable to return to their previous work.

Additionally, there are important notice requirements and timelines to also be familiar with when making a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland. Workers suffering from an occupational illness have 1 year to notify their employer and in cases of a workplace injury, injured workers have 10 days to notify their employer. In addition, workers in need of workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland have 2 years to file a claim for benefits. It is important that injured workers and their families ensure they understand these timelines, requirements for filing and the application process.

There is also a process to dispute a denial of a claim for benefits and other important protections injured workers should be familiar with through workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation benefits can help injured workers and their families get through a difficult time which is why it pays to be familiar with what they are.