Our Blog

Foreign Pharmaceutical Business and the False Claims Act

False Claims Act, Whistleblower

We’ve been blogging and writing that just because a company is doing business overseas does not mean you can’t file...

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National Press Club Honors “The Whistleblower”

Blog, False Claims Act, Whistleblower

Here’s a little bit of news for the Whistleblower community to applaud, the National Press Club has chosen to honor...

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Why are False Claims Cases Important?

False Claims Act, Whistleblower

Let’s look at the big picture of False Claims Act law and qui tam actions. These cases do more than...

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Why do I work on False Claims Act Cases?

False Claims Act, Whistleblower

First of all I sleep well at night. There are only a few areas of law which let you represent...

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What is The Biggest Qui Tam in History?

False Claims Act, Whistleblower

There have been a lot of famous examples of qui tam cases, so the answer to this could depend on...

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Myths About Whistleblowers

False Claims Act, Whistleblower

One of the myths that can sometimes keep potential whistleblowers from coming forward is the myth that internal reporting solves...

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