Maryland Separation Agreements Lawyer
When married people or co-habitants can no longer live together, it is important for them to understand their legal rights. These include the rights to property, the ability to ask for spousal support, and even the right to retain custody of shared children. Leaving these life-altering decisions to a judge could leave parties feeling unhappy and dissatisfied.
Working toward a separation agreement with an experienced marital agreements attorney’s assistance could help dispel many of the uncertainties associated with litigating a family law case. Let a dedicated Maryland separation agreements lawyer help you draft a legally binding contract to protect your rights and interests during this difficult time.
Separations Agreements as Negotiated Divorces
Couples may avoid a lengthy and expensive divorce process by entering into a separation agreement prior to or in conjunction with filing for marriage dissolution. This procedure may even allow the parties to obtain a divorce in as little as one court appearance if they can agree to the terms before filing and have a signed separation agreement filed with the court.
Finally, estranged spouses may enter into a separation agreement at any time during a contested divorce. Local family courts are likely to grant a couple’s complaint for mutual consent divorce if they have a written marital settlement agreement that addresses all issues in their marriage. A well-versed Maryland attorney can help to divorcing couples create these separation documents.
Using a Custody Agreement where Parties Were Never Married
Unmarried people who have children together could benefit from a written custody settlement agreement to avoid litigation in the future. Although custody is always modifiable if there are material changed circumstances, a custody or parenting agreement may help the parties avoid costly litigation in the future.
A separation agreement can serve as a civil contract even in cases where a divorce is not filed. Each party is bound to the terms of these contracts and can petition a civil court to order enforcement of the terms. A knowledgeable lawyer in Maryland can help craft separation agreements to protect people’s rights upon dissolution of marriage and in custody cases.
Reach out to a Maryland Separation Agreements Attorney Today
The end of any relationship is always a difficult time. While this can certainly create many emotions, it is just as important to resolve any legal questions that the divorce may create. Whether a couple is married or has children together, questions concerning custody, access, and asset ownership are always important to answer.
One way to do this is to enter into a separation agreement with your spouse or co-parent. These are legally binding contracts that can make an equitable split of your assets during a divorce or as a basis of a custody agreement for non-married parents.
A seasoned Maryland separation agreements lawyer from our firm can help you craft these documents in a way that promotes your legal interests and protects your property rights. For help with creating lasting peace for your future after the end of a relationship. Get in touch with a skilled attorney from our firm today to get started on your agreement as soon as possible.