Tax problems can be nearly impossible to evade, but quite possible to resolve. Because tax laws and tax returns are so complex, many people in Washington avoid filing returns or ignore notices from the IRS. But ignoring a tax problem can significantly compound the difficulties because fees and interest continue to increase with each passing day.
The IRS has programs to help those with unpaid tax debt or other unresolved tax issues, but it can be difficult to determine how to make the best use of these options. That’s where a DC tax resolution lawyer could help. An experienced attorney could assess your situation, help determine the right strategy, and negotiate on your behalf to help resolve your tax issue with as little expense as possible.
Individual and corporate taxpayers can run into trouble in many different aspects of tax law, from issues with collecting tax and keeping records to improper or missing payments and delinquent returns. Among the issues where a knowledgeable DC tax resolution lawyer could prevent or resolve tax difficulties are:
Regardless of the tax issue, it is important to realize that the IRS will be represented by seasoned professionals with detailed knowledge of the tax laws, so it is wise for a taxpayer to work with an adviser with similar knowledge and experience.
Failure to file returns is the root cause of many tax problems and one of the first steps toward resolution. Fortunately for those who have not filed returns for numerous years, it is generally not necessary to file returns for all missing years, but only about the past six years.
The IRS often creates tax returns for those who fail to file, and their returns are based on income information provided by employers, banks, and others. But while the government may have accurate information about a taxpayer’s income, it rarely has the full information about deductions and credits, so the amount of tax the IRS assesses based on its own returns is often higher than it should be.
With careful reconstruction, a taxpayer can reduce tax liability by filing back returns with the appropriate information. In addition, it is necessary to file returns before a taxpayer can take advantage of certain relief provisions.
Whenever the IRS determines that a taxpayer owes unpaid taxes, based on its own return or a return filed by the taxpayer, the agency can assess interest and penalty fees. The fees and interest will continue to accrue until the debt is paid in full.
If payments are not made and the taxpayer does not take action such as setting up an installment plan or making an offer in compromise, then the IRS can take debt collection actions including garnishing wages or placing tax liens on property owned by the taxpayer.
The long arm of the law is extremely long when that arm belongs to the IRS. It may seem difficult to believe, but the best course of action in dealing with a tax problem is to confront the agency head on. However, before doing so, it important to understand the issues involved and the implications of taking a certain course of action.
An experienced Washington DC tax resolution lawyer could analyze the details of your situation, explain your options, and fight for the best possible resolution of your case. Contact the office now to learn how an attorney could help you today.
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