Alexandria Premises Liability Lawyer

If you have been injured on the property of another person, you may have grounds for a premises liability lawsuit. Property owners, both commercial and residential, have a legal and moral duty to ensure their properties are safe and free of any danger before inviting visitors, tenants, or customers to visit.

Unfortunately, many property owners fail to do this on a regular basis, and their neglect often puts the lives of others at risk. No one should have to suffer due to the neglect of someone else, and by hiring an Alexandria premises liability lawyer, you may be able to obtain compensation for your pain and emotional trauma. Speak with a distinguished personal injury attorney to begin discussing your options. 

Common Causes of Premises Liability Cases

There is no single reason behind the majority of premises liability cases, but there are many different causes. Companies and property owners should take reasonable steps to ensure their properties are safe for visitors, employees, and tenants, and if they do not, they should be held liable for any accident that occurs on their property. Some of the most common causes of premises liability accidents include:

  • Poorly lit and designated walkways
  • Snow, water or other liquids
  • Building code violations
  • Animal attacks
  • Acts of violence (ex: robbery)

When most people think of premises liability lawsuits, they think of slips and falls. This is understandable, but in reality, poorly lit and insufficiently secured properties can also be a hotbed for crimes such as robbery and theft. Property owners also have an obligation to ensure their tenants do not keep any dangerous animals on the property.

How to Ensure the Safety of Visitors

When a property owner invites other individuals to visit their property, they should understand they have an obligation to ensure the safety of their visitors to some degree. This obligation involves removing any known hazards, ensuring walkways and clear and free of obstructions, and informing the visitors about any hazards that have not been removed or tended to. Such actions can greatly reduce the risk of an accident, and in turn, the risk of a lawsuit.

Even if the property is private, the owners may have a legal obligation to notify others of any potential hazards using a sign, and the potential hazard may need to be sealed off so trespassers cannot enter. This is common in residential areas, and property owners with pools and other structures that are known to attract trespassers may need to take the previously mentioned actions.

If a property owner knows about a hazard and refuses to inform visitors or remove the hazard, they can be held liable by an Alexandria premises liability lawyer in court.

How Injuries Could Have a Long-Term Effect

Injuries stemming from premises liability cases can be painful and life-threatening. Common injuries such as broken bones, cuts, and bruises can be sustained on an unsafe property, as well as more severe injuries such as burns, head and neck injuries, and brain trauma.

Such injuries can prevent a person from returning to work and having the same quality of life they are used to. Medical bills and other expenses can also cause serious financial problems, even with health insurance.

Talking to an Alexandria Premises Liability Attorney

Premises liability cases can be difficult to understand, but with help from an experienced attorney, you can make the right legal decisions. Filing a lawsuit may seem like an intimidating task, but the right attorney will be there to provide you with the guidance and advice you need to win your case. Contact an Alexandria premises liability lawyer today for more information.